Tuesday 2 August 2016

1- Canadian corrupt Jew Doctors' Conspiracy with the Crown & Police v. Rt. Hon. Major K. Nourhaghighi پزشکان فاسد کانادائی که با پلیس و شرکتهای بیمه توطئه کردند علیه سرگرد نورحقیقی

Canadian Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
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Do You Know That
Canadian Bastrad Doctors, numerously,
Sexually Assaulted Major Nourhaghighi?

Corrupt Doctors at the Toronto General & Western Hospitals 
 raised cause of actions and lawsuits in tort of conspiracy with
 Crown & Police against Major Nourhaghighi as documents
in several lawsuits in which still few are pending

List of Corrupt Physicians in Toronto
who have acted against Major Nourhaghighi
Whereas a Dirty Whore Queen Elizabeth II
Is the Head State & a Real Bastard of the Dirty Whore Diana
Bastard William Is Future King, all these kinds of Frauds in Mediacl
care seem normal for all Animals living under Canadian Fla

اسناد و مدارک شکنجه و اقدام بقتل سرگرد نورحقیقی توسط وکلا و قضات و پلیس قاچاقچی تورنتو پس از ۲۰ سال از امروز بتدریج منتشر خواهد شد تا جهانیان بر صورت کثیف ملکه انگلیس و پسر حرامزاده دیانا ویلیام تف و کثافت پرتاب کنند This photo was taken After 20 days when Major finally released from Toronto Jail. However it still shows some evidence of injuries on his throat after Choking by Police. Its important to note that the corrupt Black Slave Judge Vilbert Lampkin Made Order" Major be kept in Jail, no Doctor should see him, and be given particular Drug for to clean all bruises. Police must intercept him after release that he can't get medical service in any hospital in Canada. ". December 11, 1996; Nine Members of Toronto Police Tortured Major Nourhaghighi; Offender Detective Edward Follert tried to kill Major by choking. Major Suffered 25 injuries including broken ribs that document will be posted

Since February 13, 1992 Major Nourhaghighi is filing complaint as against corrupt Canadian Doctors. The following are a smple of complaints filed in 1988 and 1999.   
6- April 15/98 Complain v. Dr. Ching

January 6th, 1999 Via facsimile 9613330
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:35 PM Jan 6th, 99
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 8:32 PM Jan 19th, 99
The Registrar
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street
Toronto ON
Dear Registrar:
THIS IS A COMPLAIN against Dr. Forman for the professional misconduct.
The College of Physicians and its investigators were sued by me in the Ontario Court(General Division); that require a direction be provided by a senior staff for appointment of an investigator; before I be able to present the particulars of my complain against Dr. Forman.
I do not have study in law; but my actions against your office has created a serious conflict of interest that I wish to know all my rights for a reasonable and impartial investigation of my complaints against the said solicitor in this circumstances; where the Supreme Court of Canada has a guide line for a proper conduct where the conflict of interest exist with institution.
In the circumstances, I believe is the Health Profession Board is in the best position to provide leave to the College and proper direction for conduct of investigation.
His Honour Senior Associate Prothonotary, GILES in proceeding of October 5, 1998,
at the Federal Court of Canada-T-1237-98, addressed the parties that:
"The Pleading could not be struck out!".
The learned judge guide line, shall be applied accordingly, to all my pleadings against your office and its staff defendants.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC Health Profession Board Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:26 PM Jan 6th, 99

January 6th, 1999
Via facsimile 9613330   Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:41 PM Jan 6th, 99
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 8:32 PM Jan 19th, 99
The Registrar
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
80 College Street
Toronto ON
Dear Registrar:
THIS IS A COMPLAIN against Dr. ES Lunsky for the professional misconduct.
The College of Physicians and its investigators were sued by me in the Ontario Court(General Division); that require a direction be provided by a senior staff for appointment of an investigator; before I be able to present the particulars of my complain against Drs. MM Lunsky and ES Lunsky
I do not have study in law; but my actions against your office has created a serious conflict of interest that I wish to know all my rights for a reasonable and impartial investigation of my complaints against the said solicitor in this circumstances; where the Supreme Court of Canada has a guide line for a proper conduct where the conflict of interest exist.
His Honour Senior Associate Prothonotary, GILES in proceeding of October 5, 1998,
at the Federal Court of Canada-T-1237-98, addressed the parties that:
"The Pleading could not be struck out!".
The learned judge guide line, shall be applied accordingly, to all my pleadings against your office and its staff defendants.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC Health Profession Board
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:39 PM Jan 6th, 99

January 6th, 1999 Via facsimile 9613330
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:50 PM Jan 6th, 99
Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 8:32 PM Jan 19th, 99
The Registrar Keyvan Nourhaghighi
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 608-456 College St.
80 College Street M6G 4A3
Toronto ON
Dear Registrar:
THIS IS A COMPLAIN against Dr. Kofman for the professional misconduct.
The College of Physicians and its investigators were sued by me in the Ontario Court(General Division); that require a direction be provided by a senior staff for appointment of an investigator; before I be able to present the particulars of my complain against Dr. Kofman.
I do not have study in law; but my actions against your office has created a serious conflict of interest that I wish to know all my rights for a reasonable and impartial investigation of my complaints against the said solicitor in this circumstances; where the Supreme Court of Canada has a guide line for a proper conduct where the conflict of interest exist.
His Honour Senior Associate Prothonotary, GILES in proceeding of October 5, 1998,
at the Federal Court of Canada-T-1237-98, addressed the parties that:
"The Pleading could not be struck out!".
The learned judge guide line, shall be applied accordingly, to all my pleadings against your office and its staff defendants.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
CC Health Profession Board Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:48 PM Jan 6th, 99
Confirmation of Transmission of Facsimile confirmed at 2:58 PM Jan 6th, 99

The Registrar 
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 
80 College Street 
Toronto ON

Dear Registrar:
I am writing in continuous interference of the Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, and Canada "Crowns" in my Medical Cares, since 1992.
I have filed, series of complaints against malicious acts of the Canadians Physicians, into your office, and as far as, the Crowns have continued to interfere with the investigation process in your office, several lawsuits have been registered in the courts against your office and investigators; and many complaints were filed with the United Nations, Human Rights Committee, causing to file an application for Political Asylum, as a Canadian Resident, in 1994.
The said application will bring the Canadians’ Reputation, as a Honourable Human Beings, who has breached their International Agreements, under the question of accountability.
I am entitle to enjoy the basic medical care, in accordance to the Canadians Law and the International Bills of Human Rights. But, the Crowns, oppressively have made an inhuman ruling, and have made it as a privilege. It is unreasonable to deprive a person right due to complaints or legal actions that he/she has been made.

Since 1992, several times, I was assaulted, tortured, poisoned, sexually assaulted, by the Metro Toronto Police, and their agents "Police". At the same times, with the Crowns and Police have interfered with the basic medical care, that I be able to recover from the injuries raised due to the said criminal acts. And this fact, seems logic. If, I be able to establish in the trials that the Crowns and Police had a malicious plan against my life and health, than the court will accept the fact of interference with my medical care.
The simple result of the said abuses, again, is a logical reason for my application for Political Asylum, against the Crowns and Police; and it will enter to new stage, if all my attempts be fail to establish my right in this society.
Therefore, you are going to receive series of new complaints, that I wish this time, the Crowns and Police, are giving you a chance of professional investigations. The said complaints will be started from 1992, were several police agents broke my finger, to this date, that the Crowns and Police interfering with my medical care at University of Toronto.
Please be advise that the main issue in new series of complaints will be " Rejection to Serve".
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
fax confirmed at 4:26pm/ April 8/98

Complains Against Canadians Physicians

April 8, 1998 Via facsimile and personal service

The Registrar 
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 
80 College Street 
Toronto ON

Dear Registrar:
RE: Letter to the Registrar, dated April 7, 1998
This is a complain against Dr. Shikh, a physician who is practicing at out neighborhood at College Street, next door to our Condominium.
I went to Dr. Shikh office; I do not remember the date. I have provided my Health Card to his Secretary; when my card has entered to computer, and file was created for me.
Than I wait in the waiting room for several hours, while there was only two customers there.
I saw a lot of movements in the Hall; several times, Dr. Shikh, pass the waiting room and has strange look to me.
I am familiar with this kind of strange look; when a person get malicious information against me, and does not know what he/she must go with a trouble that have raised with my presence in his/her office. Some people, have ability to control themselves, had change their appearances; most of people, but most of people will continue to stay in a bad mood or/and confusing attitude that malicious information against me, has effected the person.
Finally, Dr. Shikh came to waiting room and called my name; as soon as I went outside of waiting room in the Hall; Dr. Shihk, with very rude manner told me that could not provide service to me. I asked why? He did not had any answer. I told him that I was waiting for several hours, and I was very sick that I could not go other place. Dr. Shikh, in the Hall, while I was standing, asked my to open my mouth, and checked my heart, over thick winter dress that I had, and while he was in rush and hasty, and speaking very fast, he told me that there was nothing wrong with me; and soon he left me in the hall and went to his office and close the door behind himself.
Please, investigate me complain against Dr. Shikh, at the same time, this complaint is related to the complain against Dr. Kettle, 37958.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

fax confirmed at 4:26pm/ April 8/98

Complains Against Canadians Physicians in1998
April 13, 1998 Via facsimile and personal service

The Registrar 
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 
80 College Street 
Toronto ON

Dear Registrar:
RE: Complain send to the Registrar, dated April 8, 1998

This is an amendment to the complain made against Dr. Sheikh.
Please be advise that the correct spelling of Dr. Shikh’s name, as it has posted outside his office at: 460 College Street is : " Dr. M.U. SHAIKH.

Herein, I amend the enclosed complain against Dr.M.U. Shaikh.

Keyvan Nourhaghighi
fax confirmed at 1:57pm/ April 13/98

Complains Against Canadians Physicians

April 14, 1998 
Via facsimile and personal service

The Registrar Keyvan Nourhaghighi
The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario 608-456 College St.
80 College Street M6G 4A3
Toronto ON

Dear Registrar:
RE: Letter to the Registrar, dated April 7, 1998

This is a complain against Dr. Edward T. Forman; who is practicing at the Raxlen Clinic.
Please be advise that in 1996 the College has reviewed my complain against Dr. Forman, in file number 34922. This is a new complain against Dr. Forman, base on the new evidence that I have against him, whose malicious reports, has caused me, and will continue to be a cause of losses and damages.
Recently, I have received a copy of "Decoded list of OHIP Services", prepared by the Ministry of Health of Ontario.
In page 5 of Decoded List of Services for Keyvan Nourhaghighi, in front of Dr. Forman number, I read as the following:

" Provider number 034348"; " date: 10/04/95"; 
" Service Code: intermediate assessment, well baby care"; 
" Diagnostic Code: Anxiety Neurosis, Hysteria, Neurasthenia, Reactive Depressio".

Dr. Forman, never told me that I was suffering from serious illnesses like: Anxiety Neurosis, Hysteria, Neurasthenia, Reactive Depression. Dr. Forman, has never diagnosed any medicine for the said serious diseases; and he never suggested to his secretary to book any specialist for the said serious illnesses.
In February 1st, 1996, I wrote that : " I was forced to wait for few hours to see Dr.Forman, while I could see he did not had any patient.". What is a professional conduct with a patient who is suffering " Anxiety Neurosis, Hysteria, Neurasthenia, and Reactive Depressio, if such finding was accurate "?
If, Dr. Forman, was honest in his finding; his professional misconduct, by not serving me, for few hours, would aggravated the said illness; therefore, whatever his reason be, his malicious conduct is certain.
The fact, that the Crown in Right of Ontario, has served me several times with a poision, is the main part of my pleading in all my lawsuits against the Crown. Now, if, the Ontario Physicians are sitting hear to explain the crimes of the Crown; than the total accountability of the College and Heath Profession Board will be under the question.
Please investigate this complain against Dr. Forman; and herein I authorize the College to receive all my medical documents from Dr. Forman.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi

Table of Contents


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