Friday 16 December 2016

7- Israeli-Canadian Corrupt Jewish Lawyer Henry Gertner 's Conspiracy Against His Own Client Iranian Muslim Major Keyvan Nourhaghighi; This is No # 5 Israeli-Canadian Jewish Immoral Acts

Canada Sucks
July 1990 to December 24, 2016
British Counter-Dictionary, and Human Rights' Violations in Canada
A   B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z
GERTNER, HENRY G. = Thief, who acted as a  real estate lawyer for Major Nourhaghighi and committed forgery in the evidence of purchase of condominium defrauded him about $5000 in Major Tax return in 1991, this amount is in dispute still; Henry Gertner, then conspired with  corrupt lawyer Teichman and Condominium 935 and brought action against Major by series of other fabricate documents with conspiracy with a Real State,Cityscape,the action was dismissed by Judge Winer in August 3, 1995. Gertner, has committed perjury in his Testimony which is violation of Major's Rights under the Human Rights for the Fair Trial. Additioal infor :the Cityscape Real Estate Inc is corrupt members of the criminal organization and law society whose lawyers, C.O., and agent Michael Budovich for several years blackmailed Major and made countless harassing call to receive $6000 for five appliances and have committed forgery in the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of unit 608 at Condo 935 and by fabricated evidence have filed a lawsuit T-10021/95 against Major Nourhaghighi in the Ontario Court for five appliances. Major filed affidavit and testified that: "on or about March 21, 1991 I went to the said condominium and I have seen three unites with the Cityscape Real Estate agent Michael Budovich in which all three unites have had five appliances....Budovich clearly said that all five appliances were included in the prince and wrote them on  the first page of Agreement of Purchase and Sale n the paragraph number 5.  On August 2, 1995, the trial held against Major at Ontario Court, several witness including Major's corrupt

pealed the Judgment of Justice Boland to the Ontario Court o Appeal, where again Major won the case in 1998. All these acts clearly indicating that the lawsuit of Cityscape and perjury of Gertner in the court were all made in accordance with Condo 935 conspiracy.
On April 5, 1994, the Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi, the Iranian Senior Fighter Pilot, lawsuit proceed at Ontario Court and Major has commenced the examination and cross examinations against few corrupt Toronto Pilots of Transport Canada and ATR Toronto Island who were involved in smuggling of drug, heroin and theft of confidential written examination of Airline Transport Pilot License from safe gard of the Transport Canada, Ontario Branch at 4800 Yonge Street Toronto. In the trial all pilots have committed perjury, and Major clearly in front of judge told them that would charge them under the criminal code. Soon after trial, several constables of Toronto Police harassed Major in all streets and up to April 25, 1994 have laid 11 charges against him and Toronto Police, Parsons intentionally hit Major's Motor vehicle and caused him several injuries such as fracture of neck and lower back. At the same period, On April 25, 11994, the corrupt lawyer Teichman commenced series of harassing letters and calls to defraud Major in which in his letter, that the same copy kept sending for 14 months, Teichman asked for $2,916.40 for five appliances and $250 legal fees, and harassed if Major not pay the amount he will file a lawsuit in which he would claim at least additional $900. It is important to note that between April  1994 to June 1995, Major has filed lawsuits against the Transport Canada, the said corupt pilots and police, inter alia, Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al in this lawsuit Major pleaded that his real estate agent "Cityscape & Budovich" and his corrupt lawyer  Herny Gertner, whose address  was same with Teichman in 1994 " 8 Finch Ave West..." conspired to defraud him and provided the evidence of forged document made by Geertner and Teichman in which "original document of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of unit 608 at Condo 935 " was changed with a fabricated evidence by removing the appeances from the document then filing a lawsuit T-10021/95 against Major Nourhaghighi in the Ontario Court for five appliances. Major filed affidavit and testified that: "on or about March 21, 1991 I went to the said condominium and I have seen three unites with the Cityscape Real Estate agent Michael Budovich in which all three unites have had five appliances....Budovich clearly said that all five appliances were included in the prince and wrote them on  the first page of Agreement of Purchase and Sale n the paragraph number 5.  On June 16, 1995, twenty nine lawyers have brought motions before Justice COO to dismiss Major Nourhaghighi v. Toronto Hospital et al  However  Justice COO refused to struck out the Statment of Claim and stated that: "The Right Honourable Major Nourhaghighi, is Iranian and his main language in Persian, but he is realy the Lord of the Law as pleading against fifty defendants with many different limitation and numerous Acts is not easy at all, thus I would allow him to admend the Statment of Claim as fresh until August 31, 1995" . Corrupt lawyer Teichamn on August 2, 1995, held a trial against Major at the Ontario Court [Please take note that ALL these DATES are material facts], and called several witness including Major's corrupt lawyer "HENRY G. GERTNER" who all testified against Major. However Judge WINNER accepted the Major's Testimony and dismissed the claim; this was the first case that Major won in the Ontario Civil Court "as a defendant", soon after, within six months Condo 935 brought an application against Major to force him, by the order of the Court to sell his property in revenge to Major's legal proceedings against the Toronto Police, corrupt Judges McNish and Bigelow and corrupt Attorney sGeneral of Ontario & Canada. AGAIN Major was successful to  dismiss the application and got $300 costs against Condo 935 who never paid. Condo's corrupt lawyer Arnold ppealed the Judgment of Justice Boland to the Ontario Court o Appeal, where again Major won the case in 1998. All these acts clearly indicating that the lawsuit of Cityscape and perjury of Gertner in the court were all made in accordance with Condo 935 conspiracy. Today, February 15, 20110, Major Nourhaghighi after 20 years continuous investigation  in the highest Court in Ontario and proved beyond a reasonable doubt that no lawyer in Canada can win a case against him.

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Gerrard Square, 1000 Gerrard Street East, Toronto = a corrupt centre of drug & prostitution in South East of Toronto, at Gerrard Square, operating under a fraudulent name of "mall".  On April 30, 2010, at 21:28 Major Nourhaghighi heard that several times asked for security to cashier [ this secret code means that a customer waiting for drug] Major rushed to the cashier area saw a short man in with security uniform delivered a pack of Heroin to a white man and got $4500.00 cash [all hundred dollars bill], then the security when to Manager room [in the end of cashiers] and a white man with food basic uniform step out and got the money and said to security to intercept the man who got Heroin...then the security run outside...Since June 2009 Major Nourhaghighi using "Gerrard Square Mall" for renovation issue of his condo, and he several times was witness of delivery of drug and heroin by security of mall and managers of Food Basics. Major Nourhaghighi was witness the similar crime at Zeller, Home Depot, Bell, Government of Canada Store, and One Dollars Store at second floor. IF the customer need to use drug on spot or need a whore to fuck right away...the Zeller at south of store has a basement that a customer may use for 30 minutes, extra time must pay extra...most of prostitutes operating as staffs of stores of the Mall, and the Security is acting as the pimp...

On April 29, 2010 at 7:45 Pm Major Nourhaghighi heard the verbal argument between a short security guard and a man who had anal sex with white Canadian cashier ...the white Canadian Security was asking for $20 extra in which man dispute it and said you want to put in your pocket that he was always paying $60 all inclusive. White Canadian are involved in prostitution of their daughter and wives and enjoying to see people fucking them as they are not men!
Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all corrupt Judges and Thief Judge Gibson: 

, E. FREDERICK = Monkey Motherfucker Dishonest Thief Judge of Federal Court of Canada involved in three counts of conspiracies and thefts of cash against Major Nourhaghighi on October 31, 2000 and January 12, and January 19, 2001 in file where the issues in the file before him were objection to discriminatory practices by his Court against Major. Gibson, is the only judge of Federal Court that has violated all Federal Court Rules and the Ethical Codes to support the strong group of the Respondents that as the Banks may have offered a huge bribes to the servants of the Federal Court in Ontario Region-Toronto, to be able to satisfy Gibson to join to conspiracy. On January 12, 2001, Major has put on the Court record before Gibson: "That you will be charged directly in Style of Cause and the Statement of Claim will be left here-in Toronto, for you to pick up!"  for Torts causes by him pursuant to the Crown Liability Act. On November 17, 2000, Judge Gibson, was involved in conspiracy where as the party has confirmed the theft of cash payments of Major to Bell Canada, that Bell, as respondent, be able to terminate Major's Telephone service of 4165157263, which was used to send document via facsimiles to the respondents. Thief Judge Gibson, intention, was that Major could not appeal his decision of October 31, 2000. 
GIBSON, KEITH= Federally appointed judge, defendant for following the objects of the conspiracy against Judge Coo's Order in Major's Action. Canadians Judges are not ready to accept the rule of law that subject the judges like an ordinary person in tort, pursuant to Proceeding Against Crown Act.

Ms. Jeannie Thomas, Executive Director
Canadian Judicial Council ("CJC")
Place de Ville B, 112 rue Kent Street, Ottawa Ontario, K1A 0W8
Tel (613) 998 5182
Via Fax (613) 998 8889; Transmission confirmed at 12:10 AM on February 13, 2001

Dear Madam Thomas:
1. I regret that you in letter dated October 13, 2000 indicated the CJC will not have a motion for Intervention in Application, T-1535-00, that Federal Court of Canada makes a mandamus that the Canadian Human Rights Commission investigate the misconduct and discriminatory practices of the Federal Court's clerks and judges! My Requisitions for Interventions were send to a large numbers of Human Rights Organizations across the World and all Attorneys Generals due ten years continuous malicious abuse of process in the courts against me, with confidence that again the clerks and judges are going to misconduct themselves with process and me.
It is important to note that in Canada v. Nourhaghighi Judge found that Government involved in conspiracy to obstruct my access to the courts.
As the result the following complaint raised against Frederick E. Gibson J.F.C.C who misconduct himself with process and me on October 31, 2000 and January 12, 2001. I request for complete investigation against Gibson J. for determination breach of oath of office, misconduct, conspiracy and frauds against the dignity and authority of the court and administration of justice for recommendation for his removal from the Office and Legal Industries by this Council to the Minister of Justice of Canada pursuant to provision of ss. 65(2) of the Judge Act where all proceedings were recorded by the tapes and the court reporters.
2. On September and October 2000, I filed four motions due to abuse of process and conspiracy of five solicitors Contemnors: Kate Broer, Robert Jaworski, Debra Armstrong, Arthur Hamilton and Steven Weisz who were obligated to show cause for contempt in the face of court on October 30 Judge O'Keefe did not heard motion for contempt and alleged that he was in conflict with one of law firm and adjourned! While I requested that the Contemnors be send to jail until they obey Giles Order-September 1. In another motion I asked for Change of Venue due to bribery, conspiracy and undue influence of judges and clerks in Toronto. I asked also that the timetable to perfect my Application should not be disturbed by illegal attacks to my Application by the Cross-applications-Judge Lufty ACJ ordered that there is not such provision under Rules*.
3. On October 31, Gibson J. came to the courtroom with another Judge younger than him that had gentle manner; in spite of his arrogant and highhanded attitudes that was trying to impress a new judge by discourteous behaviors, dictatorship and abuse of judicial power.
I was an applicant and moving party and nine solicitors were representing respondents.
Gibson J. first introduced the new judge and said that he will not make any decision, just was there to help him; then addressed me: " You do not need to have a motion for Change of Venue, you can select any court across Canada" and named all courts in provinces.

FIRST COMPLAINT: Gibson J. on the end of day cheated me by changing his word and made Order that all motions should be heard in Toronto, while in my motion I stated that the Registry involved in corruption and conspiracy and clerks were respondents in my Application-T-1535-00; therefore, they had all motives to act against me and obstruct me in each and every step of the proceeding; which constitute institutional conflict of interests; Judges are bounded by ethical code to keep their promise. Gibson J. used a trick and maliciously with intends made a false statement.
4. Gibson J. then refused to hear my motion for contempt against the said contemnors, and clearly supported them by making Order that the show cause would be the last motion to be heard after all Cross-applications; which means it would be motion number twelve! While the contempt is the most serious proceeding that the dignity of the court demand to be heard first, not last. Gibson J., without any shame, at my presence told to the Contemnors and give them confident by saying to Solicitor Ruth Promislow: "When the Application be struck out, there will be no Application, that a solicitor be found in contempt of its Order! Did you get my point or I should repeat again. No, don't worry! " On January 12, 2001, when Gibson J. intend to hear my motion for contempt, as the last motion, I immediately disqualified him by putting a question against his credibility, therefore he adjourned it maliciously to February 5, 2001; and struck out my Notice of Application** against all Solicitors Contemnors and a number of respondents on January 22/01, and left other respondents be remain who had same condition as those who were removed!

SECOND COMPLAINTS: Gibson J. knew or ought to have been known that the Notice of Application is not pleading to be struck out**, or such decision should be made by a judge who hear the Application, not by a motion judge, where judicial review is expeditious in nature and shall not be disturbed by Eight Cross-applications. [Note 1: I object to position of the CJC that always covering up the crimes of judges in the bench by referring those issues to the Court of Appeal, where the Court of Appeal is tried of dishonestly of judges***]Owing to conspiracy and frauds and bribery of Gibson J. and clerks and other judges in Toronto, the Contemnors have got a chance to be free of one of charges disobeying Order, however all other charges are alive and Gibson's frauds could not help them on those charges. The Contemnors, immediately, have put Gibson Orders in a motion record and forwarded to a judge on February 5. Gibson J. with dishonestly have calculated the date of hearing February 5, that be able to rendered his Nine Orders on January 22, to make sure that the Contemnors have a ground for release. And as far as Gibson J. with dishonestly sat a date for February 5, I appealed all his Orders under file A-50-01, on January 31, and I informed all parties and the court to make all judgments void thereafter.
5. On October 31, in the end of hearing, I discovered the dishonestly of Gibson J., therefore I asked him to provided me with his Order ASAP to be appealed. Gibson J. was clearly shocked and stoned that his frauds was discovered. Later in my presence told to clerk Das that provide me with his Order [Registry in Toronto asking for bribe to deliver the order of judges. I intentionally brought it up that they could not cause me nuisances. From October 31 to November 3, Toronto Office, Clerk Das and Manger P. Robinson refused to deliver Order to me for appeal until I wrote a complaint to Gibson J. on November 3, sending him a draft copy of Notice of my Appeal to emphasize the urgency; Gibson J. with dishonestly rendered an order full of spelling errors on November 6 and back dated to November 1. I was confused; three days to appeal and Gibson J. never provide me with his correct Order that obstruct my right of appeal on November 2000.
THIRD COMPLAINTS: Gibson J. intentionally made a false statement and maliciously did not provide me with his Order until November 6 that I find in contains a lot of spelling errors. Owing to conspiracy and of Gibson J. and clerks I was not able to appeal Gibson's Interlocutory Order of November 1, that there is only ten days to appeal. Gibson J. on January 12, and in his reasoning had malicious long explanations that all my objects were correct! If all my objects were correct why he has refused to correct it before November 9, or even up to this date.
As the result I suffered over $25000 special damages for costs on top of $3000 costs that Gibson awarded to the Contemnors and other lawyers; that if I had his Order before November 9, 2000 certainly my special damages was much lesser. Gibson J. conspired with lawyers' contemnors and abused his judicial power to cause me special damages, when he had confident that has protections by the judicial immunity and if I that action to recover my damages, there be no judges in whole Canada to have courage to charge him for special, general and punitive damages that he caused for me; as good judges are always harassed by the corrupt judges and lawyers.
6. On January 12, I told Gibson J that I would bring action for the torts of conspiracy against him for all wrongs that he committed against my Judicial Review Application that he shouted on me: "Sit down! I will cite you for contempt. Sit Down!" Later I apologized from Gibson J. that he accepted; as Gibson's malicious preposition on the commencement affected on me badly and confused me with irregular and anti customarily conduct that before hearing any motion have awarded $500 Costs to each lawyers and asked them if they agree with such amount of Costs against me. I have attended hundreds proceedings in the courts and I have never seen that a judge before commencement of a motion award a cost and that asked me to proceed on my motions, I asked him: Are you crazy?! I was very frustrated and I told him these motions was made to be hear on October 30, and as the ground of motions said to cease conspiracy of lawyers against perfection of my application on November 2000. Now all objects of conspiracy have achieved and all my remedies were moot. Why I was obstructed to argue my motion on October?
Gibson J. also said: "I apologize to you!" Gibson J. then on January 22, made Nine Orders that made more complexity and confusions in an application that himself on January 12 called it as a simple application for judicial review by striking partially the Notice of Application against members of respondents to prejudice me by continuous delay on the same grounds which was frivolous and vexatious or abuse of process in nature. In addition, Gibson J. made Order that the time that I be allowed to perfect my application be set by the Registry-Toronto, not by timetable of Federal Court Rules that the corrupt Registry sets a date in accordance to object of new conspiracy at any time in whole future, when my Application should be heard on December 2000.

FOURTH COMPLAINTS: Gibson J. by trick has totally changed the condition; I was in the court to cite five solicitors for contempt; Gibson J., maliciously, twice has put me in the position that myself could be charged for contempt. Gibson J., intentionally, did all kind of dirty verbal and illustration acts in the bench against me, where he knows that no honorable man could stand before such contemptuous behavior by a judge and will show his objections; THAT whole object was that I perform a harsh response to reduce weight of on prosecutions against Contemnors. Therefore, I did not said that I will accept his apology when a judge breaches Oath of Office and entering into a conspiracy is matter of Public Interests that your office must investigate and find the actual grounds for such apology from a moving party in the proceeding.
7. On October 31 Gibson J. ordered that the Contemnors proceed on his Cross-applications against my Application; while I was Moving party and Applicant and have all legal rights and priority to present my case first; then the respondent in reply could proceed on their Cross-Application which was illegal in nature as cross-application is not allowed. I was very confuse and shocked by the arbitrary misconduct of Gibson J that breached all customarily and standard of procedures in all courts in Canada. I tried to make my point that I unintentionally interrupted Gibson J. who suddenly shouted at me by pointing his right index finger to my face and making order: "Sit Down! Sit Down! Never ever interrupt me again. Do you understand?"

FIFTH COMPLAINTS: Gibson J. committed assault against me by harassing me with his right hand index finger pointing to my face and his postures that suddenly moved forward and bend himself on the bench, with his brutal eyes and his big mouth that had lather that was shouting on a legal applicant on the courtroom that had all rights to present his case. In last six years all my right were denied by malicious abuse of process by of dishonest judges of the federal Court and whole Application T-1535-00 is about discriminatory practices of the Federal Court of Canada.
Gibson J. by harassment and abuse of power took all my legal privileges and handed to the respondents. Gibson's groundless warnings have caused me to fail in having proper arguments in presenting my motions and response to the Cross-applications. I was so worry of Gibson's dictatorship and abuse of judicial power that I tried to protect myself from his harm by making him fool that proceeding before him was reasonable! He took it seriously and I was able to
rescue my life from his criminal hands;
8. Gibson J. is mentally and physicality ill judge. His hands was clearly shaking that I thought he was going to have stroke; and as far as I found him mentally ill, I tried to clam him down by telling him that he was reasonable that his mouth was opened fully and unusually all his teeth were shown and remain horrifically open that he thought that I did not discovered his evil real face. I have seen hundreds of Judges in the courtrooms, but I have never seen such wide range of anger and pleasure, that neither his anger was seem normal nor his joy. Gibson J. was not able to concentrate on the proceeding. He was totally lost. He was not able to follow the arguments and find documents. I have seen him several times in two days that he was in the bench by putting his palms together under his chain and staring to far end of ceiling in the back of the courtroom. He was fully confused and was unable to understand the issues.

SIXTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. was mentally ill that could not have any control on his anger and joy, could not concentrate and continuously staring. All his judgments indicate contradictions without any actual reason, and his reasoning is pure fraud, by disregarding all Federal court Rules and over fifty cases of law and guidelines of the higher courts. While respondents, even did not had lawful provision in RULES that allows striking the Notice of Application.

SEVENTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. was physically ill when he was not able to control his anger and his hands were shaking with danger of stroke. What was my crime that made him so angry, by considering his age that must seen thousands of proceedings and be a learned judge?
Is it very unusual that in a proceeding that a man interrupt a judge that made him so crazy?
9. On October 31, I saw Gibson J. with that new judge in the elevator of Canada Life Building, where he told me:" It is very complicated and complex for me! It is very complicated!" I brought that on my legal argument as the ground of contempt against solicitors who have caused confusion by obstruction of justice. Gibson J. in the opening of January 12, intentionally, denied the words he told me in presence of that new judge and maliciously puts on the record that: "This is very simple application for judicial review! " On October 31, in the middle of my legal argument against the Crown's conspiracy and frauds, which was the main issue before Gibson J., suddenly, he maliciously interrupted me and shouted: "Do not put those in the Public Record!"
EIGHT COMPLAINTS: Gibson J. is not bounded by the ethical code, therefore he is changing his words in accordance to situations; he is mostly looking like charlatans and cheaters, than a man with a minimum honor. All my affidavits and my documents in the Wide World Webs indicated that the Crowns and Canadian and Ontarian Judges were involved in the most serious crimes against humanity, thefts of evidence, bribery, forgery, being drunk on the bench, and conspiracy. The World has shame that Canada is so violating human rights toward citizen, and now Gibson J. is telling me do not put in the Public Record! Why a simple application should take from October 31, 2000 to January 22, 2001 to render a decision on motions with a lot of fatal errors that caused more confusion and delayed my human right application?
10. In my argument against the MBNA Canada Bank I stated that, MBNA was removed by Giles Order, September 1; its council is in contempt of Giles Order, having Cross-Application illegally when it was removed, it did not have any authority for attacking to my application
And I concluded that: "MBNA's motion is frivolous, vexatious or abuse of process"
Gibson J. mouth was opened fully and all his teeth remain visible for a while and laugh like a crazy man and by continuously shacked his head confirmed my argument. On January 22, Gibson has give $500 Costs to MBNA as the successful party on his legal motion!
NINTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. is suffering mental illness as he was not aware of his visual communications and massages transmitting, and could not remembered; he was dishonest judge
breaching Giles Order himself and giving award to contemnor MBNA-Weisz to help him contempt process, and forgot what was his visual massage to me. Gibson J. was so confused that removed MBNA et al, and he lets the CRTC and Osborne, Wilson stay as a person respondents!
TENTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. mental illness caused extreme confusion and complexity that ever could be create in a legal proceeding; that NO one could say why MBNA and other parties were removed illegal[if he was correct] why CRTC, Osborne and Wilson remained as the party!
11. On October 31, Gibson J. shouted on me and giving me warning that: Never ever interrupt me again! However, Gibson J. was interrupting me for every simple cause for example Gibson J. numerously interrupted me to correct my English pronunciations. Since 1990 the Governments of Canada and Ontario with conspiracy is not allowing me to attend to any kind of school and I just learned by myself. I have never seen any judges do that I attended to present my motions on October 31 that Gibson J. obstructed me now he was telling me that: "CONDUCT is not correct say conduct " than laugh with other lawyers; or interrupting my argument by asking: "Is Nourhaghighi is a popular name in Iran?" What that got to do with my argument against illegal Cross-applications that Gibson J. let them success; and when I referred to Persian Culture, interrupted me that: "I am not interested on your culture"-Jan 12/01 where as part of my argument I was trying to make my point. Or by saying "Do not put those in the Public Record!"
ELEVENTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. continuously and maliciously interrupting me that I cannot focus my argument. Gibson, intentionally and willfully and without reason tried to make me object of ridicule and contempt by making fun of my culture and pronunciations, that amount to infliction of nervous shock and amounted to an assault and a slander.
12. On October 31, Clerk Das, suddenly, stood and has showed a document to contradict my argument when I said the few servants of the Attorney General of Canada-Contemnor Jaworski did not had appearance therefore, shall not be allowed to argue on the Cross-application.
TWELVE COMPLAINTS Gibson J. was mentally and physically ill that was unable to maintain orders, the authority in his court. Gibson J. allowed my argument be interrupted by a none party in the proceeding and he accepted her evidence with out my consent, where the basic rule of the evidence is that FIRST the opposite party see the evidence than judge
13. On January 19, 2001, I was assaulted by member of RCMP and kept imprisonment for two hours at the Registry of Toronto. I have brought several actions and motions against the Registry of Toronto who since 1995 with members of RCMP is obstructing my access to the Court's services, as it is subject of complaints before the Canadian Human Rights Commission.
Therefore, it was NOT accidental that I met Gibson and other Judge in the Elevator. I am from Iran and I know all fraudulent, malicious, fabricating and hearsay evidence against my nationality and me that made by the corrupt Governments of Canada and Ontario to cover up their own crimes and corruption.
THIRTEENTH COMPLAINTS Gibson J. was party of CONSPIRACY and to make my reports and complaint invalid against the Registry in Toronto, maliciously, attended with me at the elevator to obstruct justice that he was witness that no one harassed and obstructed me. In last eleven years everyday I am attending to the courts for filing or a proceeding, I have never seen a judge in hallway or in the elevator-even once. Gibson J. attendance in the elevator was planned that be able to make his order that all motions be heard in Toronto, in rejecting my motion for Change of Venue from Toronto on October 31. Please investigate my complaint appropriately.
Keyvan Nourhaghighi
608-456 College Stret
Toronto, Ontario
M6G 4A3

Tel (416) 515 7263
* W. R. Meadows Ind. Et al v. U.S.E. Hickson Products Ltd
** David Bull Laboratories v. Pharmacia 1995 1 FC

Shits at the Face of Queen Elizabeth II and all Judges Corruption in TorontoGILES, Peter A. K.  = corrupt senior Prothonotary-Judge of Federal Court, in Toronto who from June 1995 to October 2000 has issued tens of conflicting Orders in accordance to objects of conspiracies. Giles was named defendants in Major's action; and on October 1998 was removed himself from file T-1237-98, and stated Major argument for conflict of interest with him was correct. However, Giles on September and October 2000 has issued two Orders and clearly denied his own judgment and stated that Major must sue him in style of cause, and stated the lawsuit against judges is abuse of process. Major on January 2001,charged him for bribery, that RCMP is investigating the accusation against Giles.
GILL, Amritpal = The City of Toronto, Environmental Health Inspector, attended on July 28, 2000 for investigation of malicious poison gas leaks to the Major's property, after complaint made against the City for discrimination in public services. Gill, stayed over two hours, and noted excessive, unusual gray dusts from carpets around the fans and coffee table, which indicate the poison gases 

Constructive Attack to Self-Esteem of Victims"

The Internet is a powerful and positive forum for free expression.
It is the place where "any person can become a town crier with
a voice that resonates farther than it could from any soapbox,"

House Committee to Consider Censorship Bills
Sample of crimes by the Crown, Police & Toronto Criminal Organizations
against Major Nourhaghighi contains in X-Dictionary

The White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization are behind the Toronto newspaper the Globe & Mail
Major Nourhaghighi's pending Lawsuit against the Globe & Mail and the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Major Nourhaghighi's FACTUM as against the Globe and Mail and members of White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization
Corrupt Reporter Peter Cheney's Malicious Report against Major Nourhaghighi on the Globe & Mail, intentionally omitted all
productive facts about Major Nourhaghighi and added not founded materials showing Canadian Media is a voice of
the White British Canadian Terrorist Criminal Organization, Force, Injustice, Abuse, and Fraud in which the
Outrageous actions of the Defendants Cheney & the Globe & Mail constitute Obstruction of Justice,
Contempt of Court, Misleading Justice, Assault and Slander & Libel at " Major Keyvan's War "

To Serve Lawsuit to the Globe & Mail You need to do it as Personal Service at
444 Front St. W., Toronto, ON Canada M5V 2S9

On May 7, 1993 the Attorney General of Ontario & Transport Canada
hired a Portuguese criminal Rue Gregorio hired to kill Major Nourhaghighi.
Rue & his friend attacked to Major and caused him serious injuries
in which people taken him to Toronto Western Hospital by ambulance.
However, Major, while he was seriously injured smashed Rue's car
that he failed to run away and police arrested Rue and charge him
for aggravated assault & attempt to murder. But the Crown
and Corrupt Judge Hyrn clearly conspired and
dismissed charges against their agent Rue
$100,000,000 Damages
to Canadian Taxpayers

The said Crown Organized Crime on May 7, 1993involved a large numbers of corrupt Pilots, Judges, Lawyer, Police,
Flying Schools, ,Businesses, Doctors, Hospitals, Dentists, Banks, Insurance Companies,

Iranian-Canadian Criminal Organization in Toronto is known as "Iranian Plaza"
is a center of criminal organization having full control of all businesses from Yonge & Finch to Richmond Hill
they operate as cover up verity stores food/restaurants, doctors' offices or Exchange
However their real business is prostitution, drug and smuggling in
such many of them were charged by Police

New Issues & Lawsuits
Corrupt Athletic Centre of University of Toronto
involved in countless crime and wrong against Major Nourhaghighi
and numerously misled and obstructed justice system in Ontario & Canada's Courts
University of Toronto AC is a dirty Thief
Major Nourhaghighi sued the Corrupt Canadian Billionaire
Thief Galen Weston for theft of personal information

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